Unfortunately, ExcludedUK does not have the funding to be able to take on any new mental health support clients
If you require professional support, please contact your GP or call 111 and select ‘mental health; option.
If your situation is life threatening, please call 999 and explain you are in crisis. Please only do this if you are genuinely in crisis.
Alternatively, we would suggest that you research local services with Hub of Hope, https://hubofhope.co.uk/, or more National provision via Mind https://www.mind.org.uk/ or with your GP in order to access IAPT counselling services. https://www.nhs.uk/service-search/mental-health/find-an-NHS-talking-therapies-service/
There are several chat/text lines you can contact:
MIND = 0300 102 1234 (open 9am – 6pm weekdays)
Samaritans = 116 123 (Always open)
CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) = 0800 58 58 58 (open 5pm – midnight)
Also, if you text SHOUT to 85258 in the UK, a trained volunteer will provide free, confidential support. It’s the first free 24/7 texting service in the UK for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere.
If your support enquiry is not mental health related, you just require signposting to an appropriate agency for your situation, please contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau by calling 0800 144 8848 or via www.citizensadvice.org.uk
All the best and take care.
The ExcludedUK Member Welfare Team
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